• Award
    2019 IDEC Congress Chip Design Contest Best Design Award
  • Award
    2019 IDEC Congress Chip Design Contest Best Poster Award
  • Award
    IDEC 우수참여교수상
  • Award
    2017 IDEC SoC Congress Chip Design Contest Best Design Award
  • Research
    ISSCC 2016 CNN Chip Featured in IEEE Spectrum April 2016 Issue

Hyeon-ho Kim received "Best Design Award" in 2019 IDEC Congress Chip Design Contest.

Seung-kyu Choi received "Best Poster Award" in 2019 IDEC Congress Chip Design Contest.

Lee-sup Kim received "우수참여교수상" in 2019 IDEC Congress Chip Design Contest.

Chong-soo Jung, Dong-il Lee and Dae-woong Lee(Advisor Lee-Sup Kim) received “Best Design Award” in 2017 IDEC SoC Congress Chip Design Contest.

Related paper: "A DLL-based Reference-less CDR with ISI Jitter Reduction Scheme " by Chongsoo Jung

Our Convolutional Neural Network(CNN) chip presented at ISSCC 2016 is covered in the article "Neural Networks on the Go" in the IEEE Spectrum April 2016 Issue.

Related paper: "A 1.42TOPS/W Deep Convolutional Neural Network Recognition Processor for Intelligent IoE Systems" by Jaehyeong Sim

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Demonstration video of object classification from 32x32 input images using our CNN chip.

Demonstration viedo of image classification from 28 x 28 handwritten digit images using FPGA.

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