Personal Information
Jaehyeong Sim
research interests- Energy-Efficient CNN Processor
- Energy-Efficient SIMD Architecture
- Please visit for more information about me.
International Journal Papers
Myeonggu Kang, Hyeonuk Kim, Hyein Shin, Jaehyeong Sim, Kyeonghan Kim, Lee-Sup Kim
S-FLASH: A NAND Flash-based Deep Neural Network Accelerator Exploiting Bit-level Sparsity
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2022
Yeongjae Choi, Jaehyeong Sim, Lee-Sup Kim
CREMON: Cryptography Embedded on the Convolutional Neural Network Accelerator
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2020
Seungkyu Choi, Jaehyeong Sim, Myeonggu Kang, Yeongjae Choi, Hyeonuk Kim, Lee-Sup Kim
An Energy-Efficient Deep Convolutional Neural Network Training Accelerator for In-Situ Personalization on Smart Devices
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 2020
Jaehyeong Sim, Somin Lee, Lee-Sup Kim
An Energy-Efficient Deep Convolutional Neural Network Inference Processor with Enhanced Output Stationary Dataflow in 65-nm CMOS
IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems, 2020
Yeongjae Choi, Dongmyung Bae, Jaehyeong Sim, Seungkyu Choi, Minhye Kim, Lee-Sup Kim
Energy-efficient design of processing element for convolutional neural network
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, 2017
Taeho Lee, Yong-Hun Kim, Jaehyeong Sim, Jun-Seok Park, Lee-Sup Kim
A 5 Gb/s 2.67 mW/Gb/s Digital Clock and Data Recovery with Hybrid Dithering Using a Time-Dithered Delta-Sigma Modulator
IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems, 2016
Seungwook Paek, Wongyu Shin, Jaehyeong Sim, Lee-Sup Kim
PowerField: A Probabilistic Approach for Temperature-to-Power Conversion based on Markov Random Field Theory
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 2013
International Conference Papers
Youngbeom Jung, Yeongjae Choi, Jaehyeong Sim, Lee-Sup Kim
eSRCNN: A Framework for Optimizing Super-Resolution Tasks on Diverse Embedded CNN Accelerators
IEEE/ACM International Conference On Computer Aided Design, 2019
Kyeonghan Kim, Hyein Shin, Jaehyeong Sim, Myeonggu Kang, Lee-Sup Kim
An Energy-efficient Processing-in-memory Architecture for Long Short Term Memory in Spin Orbit Torque MRAM
IEEE/ACM International Conference On Computer Aided Design, 2019
Seungkyu Choi, Jaehyeong Sim, Myeonggu Kang, Yeongjae Choi, Hyeonuk Kim, Lee-Sup Kim
A 47.4uJ/epoch Trainable Deep Convolutional Neural Network Accelerator for In-Situ Personalization on Smart Devices
IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference, 2019
Hyein Shin, Jaehyeong Sim, Daewoong Lee, Lee-Sup Kim
A PVT-robust Customized 4T Embedded DRAM Cell Array for Accelerating Binary Neural Networks
IEEE/ACM International Conference On Computer Aided Design, 2019
Hyeonuk Kim, Jaehyeong Sim, Yeongjae Choi, Lee-Sup Kim
NAND-Net: Minimizing Computational Complexity of In-Memory Processing for Binary Neural Networks
IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture, 2019
Jaehyeong Sim, Hoseok Seol, Lee-Sup Kim
NID: Processing Binary Convolutional Neural Network in Commodity DRAM
ACM/IEEE International Conference On Computer Aided Design, 2018
Seungkyu Choi, Jaehyeong Sim, Myeonggu Kang, Lee-Sup Kim
TrainWare: A Memory Optimized Weight Update Architecture for On-Device Convolutional Neural Network Training
ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design, 2018
Hyeonuk Kim, Jaehyeong Sim, Yeongjae Choi, Lee-Sup Kim
A Kernel Decomposition Architecture for Binary-weight Convolutional Neural Networks
ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference, 2017
Myunghoon Choi, Seungkyu Choi, Jaehyeong Sim, Lee-Sup Kim
SENIN: An Energy-Efficient Sparse Neuromorphic System
The International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design , 2017
Jaehyeong Sim, Jun-Seok Park, Minhye Kim, Dongmyung Bae, Yeongjae Choi, Lee-Sup Kim
A 1.42TOPS/W Deep Convolutional Neural Network Recognition Processor for Intelligent IoE Systems
IEEE International Solid-State Circuit Conference, 2016
Jaehyeong Sim, Jun-Seok Park, Seungwook Paek, Lee-Sup Kim
Timing Error Masking by Exploiting Operand Value Locality in SIMD Architecture (Best Paper Award)
IEEE International Conference on Computer Design, 2014
Seungwook Paek, Seok-Hwan Moon, Wongyu Shin, Jaehyeong Sim, Lee-Sup Kim
PowerField: A Transient Temperature-to-Power Technique based on Markov Random Field Theory
ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference, 2012