Personal Information
Youngjoon Kim
research interests
International Journal Papers
Youngjoon Kim, Lee-Sup Kim
A 64-bit carry select adder with reduced area
IEE Electronics Letter , 2001
International Conference Papers
Youngjoon Kim, Kihyuk Sung, Lee-Sup Kim
A 1.67 GHz Pipelined Carry-Select Adder Using the Complementary Scheme
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems , 2002
Byungdo Yang, Kihyuk Sung, Youngjoon Kim, Lee-Sup Kim
A Direct Digital Frequency Synthesizer Using A New ROM Compression Method
European Solid-State Circuits Conference , 2001
Youngjoon Kim, Lee-Sup Kim
A low power carry select adder with reduced area
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems , 2001