Personal Information
Jinaeon Lee
research interests
International Journal Papers
Byungdo Yang, Lee-Sup Kim, Jinaeon Lee
A low-power ROM using single charge-sharing capacitor and hierarchical bit line
IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems , 2006
Donghyun Kim, Kyusik Chung, Changhyo Yu, Chunho Kim, Inho Lee, Jaewan Bae, Young-Jun Kim, Jinaeon Lee
An SoC with 1.3 Gtexels/sec 3-D Graphics Full Pipeline Engine for Consumer Applications
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits , 2006
HyunChul Shin, Jinaeon Lee, Lee-Sup Kim
Efficient Edge Function Based Anisotropic Texture Filtering
IEICE Transaction on fundamentals , 2004
Chunho Kim, Simun Sung, Jinaeon Lee, Lee-Sup Kim
An Image Scaling Algorithm using an Area Pixel Modelodel
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology , 2003
Jinaeon Lee, Lee-Sup Kim
A Single-Pass Antialiased Rasterization Processor
IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals , 2001
HyunChul Shin, Jinaeon Lee, Lee-Sup Kim
A Hardware Cost Minimized Fast Phong Shader
IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems , 2001
Jinaeon Lee, Lee-Sup Kim
SPARP : A single pass Antialiased Rasterization Processor
Computers & Graphics , 2000
International Conference Papers
HyunChul Shin, Jinaeon Lee, Lee-Sup Kim
SPAF:Sub-texel Precision Anistropic Filtering
Eurographics/SIGGRAPH Workshop on Graphics Hardware , 2001
Jinaeon Lee, Lee-Sup Kim
Single-Pass Full-Screen Hardware Accelerated Antialiasing
Eurographics/SIGGRAPH Workshop on Graphics Hardware , 2000
HyunChul Shin, Jinaeon Lee, Lee-Sup Kim
A Minimized Hardware Architecture of Fast Phong Shader Using Taylor Series Approximation in 3D Graphics
IEEE International Conference on Computer Design: VLSI in Computer Processors , 1998
HyunChul Shin, Jinaeon Lee, Lee-Sup Kim
VLSI Implementation of Phong Shader in 3D Graphics
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems , 1998